Monday, January 28, 2013

200 Years of Mr Darcy

Dear Ms Austen, 

200 years ago, your timeless novel was published and the women the world over fell in love with your anti-hero, the man beast that is Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy. 

Thank you, 

All womankind. 

As I've mentioned in many a previous blog, my love affair with Pride and Prejudice and all things Jane Austen is a long one, beginning at the age of 7 when my Father gave me the book. My copy had a white cover and a illustrated picture of Elizabeth who was inexplicably blonde. But brushing that aside, my copy is now battered, slightly torn and re-read a hundred times over.It's got me through many a bout of heartbreak, illness and rainy Saturday night.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Going Gluten Free (sniff)

For those of you who may have known me 10 years ago, you would know that even the thought of "gluten free" would not enter my mind.

Working at the iconic Natural Foodstore on the Sunshine Coast, I scoffed loudly at the fools spending ridiculous money for wheat free cake and gluten free lasagne sheets. And here I am, at the ripe old age of 29 doing exactly the same. It would seem that in fact, Karma is officially a bitch. 

After a constant battle with my eyes to stay open at my desk, looking bloated enough to get offered a seat on the train and the requirement to be within running distance to the loo within an hour of eating a pizza I decided, perhaps this wheat intolerance thing isn't baloney after all. 

So a small test to cut wheat out of my diet had miraculous results. Energy! A flatter tummy! Regular bowel movements! 

I wish I could be thrilled about this decision but I am not. For anyone who suffers similarly to me, you will know that gluten free versions of our favourite foods, do in fact taste like arse. In fact, Sainsbury's don't even bother to insult our intelligence by calling their Free-From bread "bread" - they call it LOAF. 

And while the pizza base I made from The Gluten Free Student Cookbook was an excellent substitute, when The Boy arrived with his glutenous pizza, and I saw how much better his looked I wanted to cry.

I do honestly feel that my years of attrocious eating habbits have finally caught up with me, and I can hear my former Natural Foodstore colleagues saying I told you so, despite them being on the other side of the world. 

So wish me luck in my continual battle. Because as much as anyone tries to deny it, giving up a delicious slice of fresh white bread, a wedge of Victoria Sponge or the odd Domino's is a very hefty price to pay for your health.

Writing in the last year of my 20s

It's been many many months since I last posted and so much has happened in this time that I'm not entirely sure where to begin.

I've travelled to Australia to see my lovely friends, developed a wheat intolerance, lost my beloved Grampy andthe complete swamping of work now that I am an "award-winning"marketeer.

As it's 2013, I do of course have a renewed enthusisasm for my somewhat lacklustre writing career and fully intend to write lots of words this year, the final year of my twenties.

Stay tuned.