Sunday, July 28, 2013

5 Tips for your very own Roman Holiday

I’ve seen a lot of Europe over the past ten years, gallivanting around in order to see the “must-see” sites of the Continent.

Few of these cities have tempted me to go back for a second time. 3 trips to Paris and I seem to dislike it more on every visit. Most I feel I see enough of in the first visit to not need to go back. But there is one exception to this rule.

Rome. The Eternal City. I think, the most romantic city in the world. Where the pace of life is hectic and slow all at the same time, and you walk over thousands of years of history in every street, piazza and alleyway.

Here is my guide to this phenomenal city...

Get up early. 

Rome attracts a bazillion tourists every year, and they all want to see the Sistine Chapel, throw their coins in the Trevi Fountain and walk around the Colleseum. They come in bus loads, and walk around in groups of matching baseball caps, following flags on sticks like a flock of sheep. To maintain your sanity, and feel you have Rome to yourself. Get up early – I’m talking, be out the door of your hotel no later than 8am.

Here’s two pictures of the Trevi Fountain to demonstrate...
7.45 am
Mid Afternoon ish

Wear a hat

It can be very hot in Rome, with very little shade to protect you. Don’t turn into a lobster. Wear a hat. It also acts as a convenient fan. I'd recommend a wide brim, so you look fabulous and don't look like you are with that group of American's in matching baseball caps.

Book Ahead

You can pre-book your tickets to the Vatican online up to 6 weeks before, which means you can skip the winding queues (when we arrived there was a 2 hour wait) and go straight in! Hurrah! 

Look Around and Get Lost

Rome is a stunning city, and some of it's beauty isn't in the famous monuments. There are fountains, shrines, gorgeous buildings, antique vespa's, accordian players all around. We spent hours getting ourselves lost and discovering amazing looking restaurants, markets and churches.  

Drink Spritz

It's delicious, refreshing and cheap (well cheap-ish). And my new favourite drink. Everywhere sells it... and they are delicious. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Writing Fail

A week or so ago I took myself off to an author event with Marie Claire and Cecelia Ahern - how to write a successful novel.

I was obviously filled with enthusiasm and inspiration for writing more, after hearing that Cecelia wrote PS I Love You at the age of 21 in just 3 months.

In fact I was so inspired that I wrote the above two lines the morning after the event, got distracted by work (damn you spreadsheets!) and have been sitting in my draft posts since.

I really, really, really must work on my discipline.

A Very Theatrical Weekend

When I was in school, I dreamed of nothing but being an actress – spending my afternoons in drama classes and performing in every show I could.. and here is a rather embarassing photographic evidence of a 1996 production with Helen O'Grady Children's Drama Academy and some very bad hair...

Inevitably, it was the realisation that I rather enjoy having a reliable income and don’t have the discipline to work hard enough to make it.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Travelling Gluten Free in Italy

Being gluten intolerant I was a bit wary about venturing to Italy, the home of wheaty goodness. But my fears were unfounded, as it turns out that Italy was coeliac friendly. In fact, coeliac disease is a recognised condition in Italy, with all Italians being tested for the disease at a young age, meaning that asking for  “Senza Gluten” is quite common, and not met with the often blank stares you frequently get in certain London establisments. 

In fact, as a recognised disease, bigger pharmacies stock an abundance of snacks, croissants cereals and breads, rivalling the range of the bigger UK supermarkets. My carry on luggage was loaded with biscotti and fancy looking pasta on our return!   

But everywhere we ate in the Eternal City, there was at least 1 Gluten free pasta