Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Christmas Rush

It’s that crazy week before Christmas and I am baffled by peoples shopping habits.

For one, the shops are only shut for ONE day.. and yes there is extra entertaining to be done and therefore more food to be eaten, but there is no need to stock up on canned goods and bottled drinks like it is the apocalypse.

Secondly, we are now three sleeps away from Christmas. Christmas things have been in stores since October. You have had plenty of time to stock up, prepare and do your Christmas shopping.  Please do not now complain to me because we have sold out of mince pies and wrapping paper. You should have known better.

Having worked in retail for years, and currently working in a supermarket, I would like you all to stop and think about the staff of supermarkets and in fact any store. We are tired and have been on our feet for most likely 8 hours straight.  Some of us will have been at work since the early hours of dawn, some of us will still be there way past our bedtimes. Some of us don’t even get a lunch break. 

So, as you do your last minute panic buying, spare a thought for us.  You may be in a rush and most likely in a bad mood due to the crowds, but a quick smile and a “Merry Christmas” makes our job just that little bit easier.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Xmas!!!
    Just discovered your blog :-)
    Miss you lots, Troy xxx
