Wednesday, February 3, 2010

iDon’t Get It

The release of the iPad brought about much discussion around the morning tea table at work.

It seems like these days everybody has an iPhone, wants to be able to read books on it and check their facebook whilst waiting for a bus.

For the record, I am not against technology.  There are some things like the internet  that I embrace fully.  After all, would I ever have been able to write a blog read by people all over the world? (PS.. Big shout out to my readers in the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Spain, UK and Jordon!). But there are some things that I will never embrace.

I will not want to read a book on an electronic device.  I want to be able to pick it up, read it, see the lovely books on my bookshelf. 

I do not want a fancy phone.  Yes, I need my mobile, in fact I LOVE my mobile.  But I do not want a phone where I can access the internet.  I’m addicted enough to the internet as it is without being able to carry it around with me!  Not to mention that a cheap phone lasts forever! My current Nokia is about 3 years old and has been thrown across rooms, skidded meters across concrete, gotten countless glasses of wine spilt on it and been in the toilet. And still, it works.

So Apple – whilst I love my iPod.. the iPad leaves me unimpressed.

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