Saturday, March 6, 2010

Who The Bloody Hell Cares?

As I was hunting through for some blog inspiration I came across an article that made me a bit cross. Susie O’Brien of some Perth newspaper has come out defending Lara Bingle in this nude photos scan.  She claims that women shouldn’t have to worry about men betraying them.  Because men shouldn’t betray women.

Theoretically this is a nice idea, but lovers have been unfaithful to each other since Eve went and flirted with that snake.  And quite frankly, I think when it comes to revealing the secrets of a relationship women are the worst.

I know that back in the day when I was a bit whoreish I would more than happily spill the juicy details on my conquests (I did, along with a housemate, come up with a unique scoring system for sexual hookups).  I know that my ex showed very provocative photos of me to his housemates, when I found this out I was very blasé about it (I did ask them however, what they thought of my body). 

Because quite frankly.. who cares??? It’s not as if I expected anything better from him, but more than that, I let a boy take pictures of me on their camera.  I have spent most of my life in the company of men.  I know what boys speak about at the pub, and I’ve seen them get pictures of girls out to show their mates the “shaven haven” or the boobs or whatever.  Its a boy thing.  Not a very grown up thing but hey. 

Lara Bingle, model wannabe, I can understand that you might be a bit put out by having your boobies broadcast for all to see, but you were sleeping with a notorious bad boy footballer who was already married.  You should have known better.

But what is perhaps sadder.. is that when the news mentioned Lara Bingle I had to think to myself.. “Who the bloody hell is she?” (no pun intended)

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