Friday, April 9, 2010

What Would I Do For $5

When Anthill arrived in my in-box this week an article grabbed my attention.

It was an article about a website called Things people would do for $5 (US$5).

What a brilliant idea.. I have become addicted to it, trawling through pages and pages of random things that people will do for $5.  Everything from adding followers to your Twitter to sending you a postcard from Ireland.  Intrigued I decided to give it a go.. after all $5 is not that much to pay for shits and giggles.

So in order to get some more readers to Secret Life I decided to try and increase my Twitter following – paying some dude $5.54 to increase my twitter following by at least 500. 

I am in utter shock that it actually worked.  I gave him my details, and now I have 547 followers.  I think it works on he follows 1000 people with the idea that they will, like sheep, automatically follow you back. 

It’s got me thinking about what I can do for $5.  I’ve always claimed that there’s not a lot I won’t do for money. And I stand by that.  So here is a list of things I would do for $5..

  • Send an anonymous photo of my boobs
  • Go into the chemist to buy someone Thrush cream or the Morning After Pill
  • Wash someone’s clothes
  • Alphabetise your DVD’s
  • Send you an amusing quote

To be honest.. there isn’t that much that I wouldn’t do for $5. I think I’d draw the line at eating gross things. Hmm… wondering what it says about me that I would willing show my breasts, but I wouldn’t eat a cherry tomato for $5.


  1. I love the fact that you judge a cherry tomato a Gross food...
    How do you "Send an anonymous photo of my boobs"...wouldn't someone have to ask....can I have a photo?

  2. A cherry tomato is a gross food. When you bite down on it, it explodes in your mouth giving you a burst of horrible seedy juicy moosh. Why would anyone willing submit themselves to that?

    I suppose you are right.. but it would be anonymous because they wouldn't know it was me. Maybe... :)
