Monday, April 25, 2011

Packing Conversations

Ma: Your not keeping that are you?

Me: Of course I am! It’s my beer drinking hat

Ma: raises eyebrows

Me: It’s from Oktoberfest! From the greatest week of my life!

Ma: raises eyebrows

Me: It’s a proper German beer hat! I paid 20 Euros for it!

Ma: Well that was money well spent

Me: puts German Beer Hat on and proceed to wear it whilst packing for the rest of the morning in protest

ofest 053

Verdict: Keep forever and ever 


  1. ^^that is awesome.

    i came to your blog because i thought up "if i wake up tomorrow, i'm one day closer" to use for a facebook photo album subtitle, and out of curiosity, i googled it to see if anyone had already made that into some 90s soft rock love tune. they hadnt, but you used it a few days ago when talking about counting down the days.

    congrats on a new move. keep positive and work hard and you'll always be successful. truth!

    -chris from cincinnati

  2. Hi Chris.. only just seen your comment!

    Thanks so much for the kind words.. the move has been a success, am loving life at the moment.

    Thanks for reading

    Miss G x
