Monday, March 25, 2013

Before I turn 30: Cocktails at The Rivoli Bar

I have created a list of things that I want to do before I turn 30 later this year. Turning 30 does have that notion that I should now be a grown up, and yet there are still so many frivolous things that I want to do, so me being me, I made a list.

One of the things on my ever-growing list was to go to The Rivoli Bar at The Ritz, so on Friday, The Boy and I got dressed up, and he took me to The Ritz after work for a few celabratory cocktails (his bonus, my promotion)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Domestic Bliss Part 3: Thoughtfulness

This weekend, the boy went to a wedding somewhere down on the coast. I wasn't invited, which I was ok with, as it involved a blissful weekend all to myself.

What was even nicer was that my thoughtful boyfriend brought me home a wedding cupcake. Presenting it to me in paper towel, slightly squished and stating, I know you can't eat the cake (damn you gluten!) but that he thought I'd enjoy the icing.

Hashtag Lucky.