Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Winter is Coming: 10 Game of Thrones Ponderings

*Please note, this post contains lots of spoilers. 

Since Gossip Girl came to it's sensational conclusion last year (DAN was GG, who would have known xoxo), I've felt a big gaping hole in my life, that only an addictive television show can fulfil.

So it was with much eagerness that The Boy introduced me to Game of Thrones. Holy Moley is it addictive. To the point of hysteria.

First, you've got girl power complete with awesome hair braids and dragons. You've got more broody anti-heroes than this girl can handle, and more skull-duggery and backstabbing than you can point a stick (or sword) at. Not to mention cute loyal puppies (or direwolfs), sexy man beasts, lots of lovely boobs and of course - Tyrion, who's awesomeness is too much for this humble author to describe.

I am hooked. Completely hooked. And it is my addiction that is caused a number of grievances that I need to unleash on the world.

1. Joffrey is a cunt. In fact if you looked up the picture of cunt in the dictionary I'm sure that you would find a picture of Joffrey. (apologies for my unladylike language, but I really, really hate the fucker)

2. How dare the aforemention twat chop of Ned Stark's head. Sean Bean is too sexy to have his handsome head chopped off. It may have been two series ago but I'm still bitter.

3. This crazy red woman who births super killers, I can do without that entire storyline.

4. How dare Tywin be such a dick to his wonderful son? It makes me want to give Tyrion a hug and tell him to join Team Stark. Tyrion for King - Hurrah!

5. I do not like that Daenerys is neglecting Jorah Mormont for this new boy. Let's face it - Ser Jorah is a man beast, and the newbie with the waxed chest is just a boy.

6. The men of the Nights Watch should know better than to kill each other north of the wall. No good can come if it.

7. Theon Greyjoy sure does get his comeuppance. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost, but not quite. The bastard. How DARE he kill Maester Luwin. Karma's a bitch Greyjoy.

8. Jamie has just about redeemed himself for pushing Bran of the tower and shagging his sister by saving Brienne. She's awesome. Jaime should tell Cersei to sod herself and live happily ever after with Brienne.

9. The Hound is alright, really.

10. The Red Wedding was possibly the most distressing moment in my entire television viewing history. I'm not sure what upset me more. The Stark's rather uncalled for slaughtering, Arya missing out on seeing her family, or Grey Wind being shot.


  1. Ahh Miss Kim. The GOT series have been the most annoying and addictive series of books I've read in ages. Killing off my fav characters! Not even mentioning a character who I'm addicted to for a whole 700pages and then giving them a tiny 1 chapter mention that's so explosive I'm skipping ahead chapters to find out if there's any more.
    I'm putting myself on lockdown this winter to watch all the TV shows back2back.

  2. Exactly! I've just finished Book 1. Although after seeing Season 3, I'm not sure whether I want to continue (or if my nerves could cope!).

  3. As for no. 7 give it another season. You'll feel sorry for him
