Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The death of Britannica

Encyclopedia Britannica has announced that they are ceasing to publish printed sets of encyclopedias.
When I was in primary school, I delighted in spending time in the library, pouring over musty editions of an encyclopedia on the quest for facts for class projects (we should have established by now that I am well and truly a geek.. So just roll with it).
Yes they are heavy tomes and perhaps don't have a home in modern society. But I am filled with sadness that they no longer exist.
Books provide you with a journey of self discovery that you simply don't have with the internet. Typing something into Google may be convenient, but where's that Eureka! Moment you get when you find a fact buried in a book?
Now, before you all start going about how awesome technology is and I need to get out of the dark ages (I'm looking at YOU Jay), I'd like to point out that I'm not anti technology. I like my phone, I like Google, I adore the internet.
But I love books more. I love the books I was given as a child with messages from my grandparents. I love the books my grandfather gave me before he died that were given to him as a boy. I loved as a child reading to find out what I wanted to know.
My copy of Pride and Prejudice has been re-read hundreds of times since my father gave it to me at the age of 9 and it has never once, in 20 years has it needed recharging or run out batteries, nor have I been unable to read it when the wi-fi is playing up.
So, upon the death of Britannica, I implore you - Save the book before they disappear for good.


  1. I won the complete set of encyclopedias when I was little. Think it was over 30 books. Amazing resource but took up soo much space.
    True Story.

  2. Amazing story! I had a science encyclopedia. It had a board game in the middle spread. I used to play it on my own! (Ah the joys of being an only child!)
