Tuesday, September 11, 2012

5 Things Social Hibernation Has Taught Me

Since my self imposed social hibernation I have discovered a few truths about life:

One, I genuinely do love The Boy very, very much and I love how we can make up ridiculously silly games to amuse ourselves. Blow Fish and Lick Face are particular favourites of mine and usually leave me in absolute fits of laughter on the floor. 

Two, when you cut alcohol out of your weekend diet, the weight seems to fall off - in fact I'm not sure my stomach has ever been so lovely and flat. Pity I love wine too much to sustain it permanently.

Three, there really is only so many episodes of Friends you can watch. I didn't believe the day would come when I would get tired of it, but immunity to the laughs is beginning to develop.

Four, simple things are really very pleasurable. A walk around the block to look at the neighbours flowers and picking which house you'd like to live in on a lazy Sunday afternoon is actually quite delightful. 

Five, no matter how extreme your boredom becomes, I am never quite bored enough to do the ironing.


  1. Being bored means lack of imagination.

  2. That sounds like something my father used to say! I agree though on the whole.. but even my overactive imagination can't be bothered sometimes!
