This morning I groggily woke up, and my throat seemed to be on fire. Yes - I have woken from my slumber with what can only be described as a bitch of a cold.
It's in those early stages where your skin feels hot but yet you are shivering, I'm sniffly, runny, blocked and mildly dellusional - all at the same time.
And yet here I am in the office, attempting to concentrate on a spreadsheet and reporting (but taking a break to write this obviously), wishing I was at home snuggled on my couch watching Downton Abbey in my pjamas. There is no doubt that I should absolutely be doing this at this point in time - however as a contractor, sick days are not a luxury I can afford to take (and this matter is making me more grumpy).
There is absolutely no point to this post except hoping that having a whinge will make me feel much better than this lemon and ginger tea I am currently consuming.
But do let me know your wonder cold remedies (that don't involve hot lemon)
Feel better Miss Ginger.