Sunday, August 1, 2010

Comebacks for the Inevitable Question

I recently attended a 70th birthday and caught up with lots of old friends.

Some of the guests, I had not seen for more than 5 years, and the first question they inevitably asked me was “Got yourself a man yet”.

As I, slightly disheartened, asked my father (that’s right – I went to a party on a Friday night with my parents) to take me home, it occurred to me that perhaps I should think up a variety of excuses to use in such situations.  I mean, I could say “Oh, I’m not really looking/haven’t found the right one” however this makes for very dull conversation.

So I did some googling and found some that I think are rather good which I encourage all single people to use when there nosy friends start interrogating…

“Why limit myself to be dissatisfied with one when I could be dissatisfied with infinite variety”

“Married people are not superior people – even Frankenstine got married”

“Are you getting divorced yet?”

“I’m not done boozing and whoring”

And my absolute favourite…

“If you had a dollar for every time someone asked me that you may be able to afford me”

And whilst I do grumble that people were more interested in my love life then my career, studies or general state of well being, it was a pleasant evening all round, and it was nice to see that even after all this time, some things and people will never change.