Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions.  Made in good faith this time every year and destined to be broken by February.

My list is similar each year and somewhat resembles one of my favourite heroine Bridget Jones’.  Each year I fail miserably.  It was on the news just the other day that it is pointless to make them because 90% of people don’t stick to them. 

2010 is looking like a promising year for me so my resolutions this year are going to reflect my new full and happy life.

1. Lose a bit of weight.  Which was successfully achieved during 2009, however have put it all back on again during the birthday/Christmas festiveness.

2. I would like to complete the Beginners Italian CD course that I purchased on a New Years resolution whim in 2005. 

3. I will astound my new bosses in my job, and strive to do my very best at all times. Even when hung over and all want to do it crawl under desk with a pillow.  I will not be lazy and avoid doing work by doing tea rounds, but tackle everything head on.  After a year on unemployment and working in a supermarket I will not complain about having a lovely office job ever again.

4. I will stop letting men sleep with me whenever they want and instead try this “hard to get” business I hear so much about. 

5. I will try and eat more fruits and vegetables. This is on the list every year and every year I fail because I just don’t like them. Broccoli – Blugh!

6. I will move out of my parents home.  As it is just depressing to be living at home at the age of 27.  This will also lead to family relations improving, stress levels decreasing and an improvement in my love life. 

7. I will make more of an effort to catch up with friends, instead of idly laying in bed watching DVD’s and moaning about being bored.

8. I will spend less time on facebook and on my computer farting around, unless I am actually doing something productive like writing for the blog or writing my book. 

9. I will save all my pennies to enable travel to the UK to visit my lovely London family.

10. I will not sulk about being single, but develop inner pose and authority and sense of self as woman of substance, complete without man, as best way to obtain man*

Auld Land Syme!

*This is stolen directly from Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding.  I think this is one of my favourite resolutions of all time.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Friends & Old Friends

There is a beautiful poem by an author I cannot recollect that goes (something along the lines of)…

Make new friends, but keep the old
Those are silver, these are gold
Old made friendships, like fine wines
Age will mellow and refine
Friendships that have stood the test
Time and change, are surely best
So make new friends, but keep the old
Those are silver, these are gold

I read recently in Cleo magazine that you change your social circle almost entirely every 7 years.  When I actually thought about this I found it to be disappointingly true.  I am friends with few that I was at the age of 19.  People with whom I was then inseparable I have not heard a peep from in years.  Moving overseas for 2 years made me realise who my real friends at home were.  People I thought I was close I did not hear from at all during my travels. 

But last night I was privileged to enjoy dinner with old friends.  People I have known since I was in early high school, and whilst we may not see or speak to each other regularly it doesn’t matter. It is one of those friendships that has stood time, change and distance, that falls into easy familiar patterns.  I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard. 

Cherish these sorts of friends dear readers.. for I find they are few and far between.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wat Iz Wrong Wit U?

Something has been getting under my skin for awhile now. 

People seem to have lost the ability to spell.  Just because world communication is becoming increasingly focused in cyberspace, does not mean that we have to abandon the English language.

For your reference ‘something’ is NOT spelt ‘sumting’ ‘some’ is not spelt ‘sum’.  Likewise ‘Thank You"’ is not spelt ‘TY’.

Usually my facebook frustrations are caused by people joining ridiculous fan pages such as “I Love People Who Text Back Instantly” or “mentally saying "Wed-nes-day" when writing the word "Wednesday."”.  But I would never complain about them again if people would start to spell properly. 

For example… gorjus, owt, wif, dat, da, iz, ho, blimn, dis, includin, sumthing, sum1, nufin.. THESE ARE NOT WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you all pretending to be gangsters or hip hop wannabes?

Please, just remember that the English language is a beautiful thing people!  Let’s make 2010 a year of beautifully spelt prose. 

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wardrobe Dilemma

Christmas is over and the end of 2009 is fast approaching.

As I start to compile my list of new years resolutions, I am currently in clean out mode, trying to find some stuff to sell on eBay.

My wardrobe is full of “What Was I Thinking”.  Clothes that I have not worn since 2001, dresses that have not contained my ample bosom since I was 22 years old.

Why have I been hanging on to these things? They hold very little sentimental value, never looked particularly good on me, but I still have them. 

I have bras that I am keeping purely because they were The Ex’s favourite. Jeans that I am keeping because they were a gift and I don’t want to throw out free clothes. 

So please, people out there in cyberspace – buy all my crap on eBay.  I need the cash & to reclaim my dignity!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Story? What Story? I Was Perving on Downey Jr

Today I went and saw the new Sherlock Holmes film.  And I have only one opinion – Robert Downey Jr is SMOKING HOT.

In his 40s, with obvious grey hair and some wrinkles he’s not your obvious sex symbol.  But there is something about him that I know if I ever saw him I’d strip off my clothes and beg him to have his way with me.

I think it is the combination of vulnerability, manliness, scruffiness and the twinkle in his eye, that makes him irresistible.  I like my men a bit rough around the edges, but who obviously sometimes need a cuddle.  And the eyes, that look that men get when you know they want to ravish you. But at the same time, you can see that they are nothing but trouble. Mmmm. 

The only thing that could make Robert Downey Jr any hotter would be a Scottish Accent. Then I’d be well and truly weak at the knees.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Recovery Time

I am definitely feeling my age today. 

Long gone are the days when I could party all night, then back it up with all day at work, or more fun.

Last night was Christmas, and whilst it was not too drunken, it was a big day.  After getting up at 7 and then a long day of eating, then a long evening of drinking then crazy frivolity, followed by a not very restful sleep.  

Today I have not been able to do anything useful at all.  In fact I have not got out of my pyjamas all day (well they were a Christmas present).  I watched a movie then had a 4 hour long Nanna nap. 

I just can’t pull up like I used to.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Tunes To Make You Jingle

As it’s Christmas and I have some time to kill before the people get here for lunch.. I thought I would share a list of my all time favourite Christmas Songs & Carols (I’ve been very clever and hyperlinked them to youtube):

O Holy Night
Angels We Have Head On High
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Fairytale of New York
The Man With The Bag
All I Want For Christmas Is You

Ho Ho Ho!

The Meaning of Christmas

I don’t often like to share my religious beliefs with the world, as I think it is a rather private thing.

But today, I’d like to comment on the true meaning of Christmas.  Which is about Jesus, being born in a manger on a Holy Night in the Little Town of Bethlehem about 2040 years ago. 

Whether or not I believe he is the son of God or not is, I think, entirely irrelevant. The fact is, he is a man who dedicated his life to others, who performed miracles and who has given millions of people around the world for thousands of years something to believe in.  There is undeniable evidence to his existence (even the Muslims admit believe he was real) and today I celebrate not his birth, but what his life was about. Giving.

The giving of gifts and more importantly the giving of your time.  Because for most of us, the enforced company of family for 5 hours on Christmas Day is painful, but we endure it, to make others happy.

Today, as I listen to my lovely Christmas music, I say a little prayer for all the people throughout history who have dedicated their lives to making the world a better place.

People need something to believe in. And today I believe in Mary popping out a kid (with no epidural poor thing) in a stable, surrounded by cattle lowing, wise men and three kings. 

Bless you readers.  Ho Ho Ho!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

It’s the night before Christmas
And on the Sunny Coast
I’m thinking of the people that I love the most

From Gran and Pa in heaven
Nanna and Grampy far away
I wish tomorrow morning my nephews and I could play

Cold Turkey and presents
Sitting in air con all day
That’s how we do it the Australian way

So to all of you readers and the people I love
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

Merry Christmas Readers,

Love Miss Ginger xx

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Tonight was my annual Christmas dinner with my parents, the first that we have enjoyed together since my return from the UK. 

Dad has been preparing the turkey for days, making the stuffing on Monday and doing something or other to it yesterday before cooking it today. 

It was delicious. But here is my complaint about the staple of all Christmas foods.

It’s pretty tasteless and I know that from here on in, it’s nothing but Turkey sandwiches until New Years. Plus now the whole fridge smells of turkey, so every time I want milk, cheese or a delicious beverage I am hit with a waft of poultry.

But the whole Turkey experience makes my Dad happy.  I’ll continue to indulge him.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Christmas Rush

It’s that crazy week before Christmas and I am baffled by peoples shopping habits.

For one, the shops are only shut for ONE day.. and yes there is extra entertaining to be done and therefore more food to be eaten, but there is no need to stock up on canned goods and bottled drinks like it is the apocalypse.

Secondly, we are now three sleeps away from Christmas. Christmas things have been in stores since October. You have had plenty of time to stock up, prepare and do your Christmas shopping.  Please do not now complain to me because we have sold out of mince pies and wrapping paper. You should have known better.

Having worked in retail for years, and currently working in a supermarket, I would like you all to stop and think about the staff of supermarkets and in fact any store. We are tired and have been on our feet for most likely 8 hours straight.  Some of us will have been at work since the early hours of dawn, some of us will still be there way past our bedtimes. Some of us don’t even get a lunch break. 

So, as you do your last minute panic buying, spare a thought for us.  You may be in a rush and most likely in a bad mood due to the crowds, but a quick smile and a “Merry Christmas” makes our job just that little bit easier.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Apologies but am still recovering from last night’s Christmas party.  Apparently I drank a lot more than initially thought.  Then had to work all day today.. so my inspiration to regale the nights events is zero. 

Perhaps tomorrow after a good nights sleep xx

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Party Madness

Tonight is my company Christmas Party.  And I am completely baffled as to why the entire company is not super excited.  Yes it is on a Sunday night, but who cares.. it’s Christmas, you’re allowed to rock up to work hung over. It’s in Caloundra? So what.. car pool! You think it will be boring?  Well you’ve obviously never been to a Christmas Party!!!

I am good at Christmas parties. Ever since my first one at the tender age of 17 I have managed to do something silly at every Christmas party I have been too. Why? Because it is Christmas and damn it I am going to have a good time. 

Back in the days of The Natural Foodstore their open bar policy was a table of spirits for the taking.  Year one was a mere stumble down the driveway, year two was passed out in the Spa Bath, year three, well…, year four was sober after year three, year five was me cracking on to two underage boys.  Then I moves onto the real estate company I worked at for a few years. Where they had an awards night.. to which I got very drunk, was dancing on the tables and thoroughly shagged one of the sales people.  The Christmas party after that, I believe there is an amusing photo of me passed out in Santa’s chair and I clearly remember my also drunk boss patting my head and going “It’s ok”. 

Then there was Christmas parties in the UK, where  the first one I ordered myself a bottle of wine, flirted with a boy I had a crush on, then basically seduced him outside the pub. Which someone then filmed.

IMG_1666And the last Christmas party I had, at my old television company, at  a swanky hotel, where they didn’t feed us for hours and Dave and I were smashed by the time starters came around.  I then danced my ass off and stumbled onto the IT Manager and told him I thought I might spew. Only to be carried home in a taxi by my lovely friends.. who somehow remembered where I lived, as I surely didn’t. 

So am very looking forward to tonight's festive exploits.  It’s supposedly fancy dress so have my obligatory slutty outfit all ready to go, and considering as of a week I no longer work there, can embarrass myself and not have it matter at all!

Ho Ho Ho! And hooray for Christmas parties!!

Photos: Passed out at after Dinner at ER Christmas Party, London 2007


It’s not often I have something good to say.  But today I am filled with an overwhelming joy.  Not only do I have an exciting new job to look forward to in the New Year I’m blessed to have found the friends that I made in the UK.

16369_240718795585_713095585_4793205_6725418_nThey all know how much I miss them, and how much I love Christmas, so in their festive get-together they printed out a picture of me, took it along to the Red Shoes pub and then posted pictures of me on Facebook enjoying myself with them. 

I don’t think they truly comprehend how much something so silly means to me.


Photo: Miss Ginger enjoying the Carols at The White Horse aka Red Shoes Pub.. Parsons Green, London

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sharing Some News…

Yesterday I received an amazing Christmas present. 

I was offered a job. An actual marketing job, where I will get to use my brain to think and I will be challenged.

I start on the first Monday of 2010 and am very excited. For many reasons. 

And the best part is I won’t be 26 and working in a supermarket anymore. Hallelujah!

But never fear dear followers.. I will continue to post daily accounts of my opinions and exploits.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa Loves All Kids, Even Ginger Ones

There is currently some uproar in the UK over a Christmas Card at Tesco saying “Santa Loves All Kids, Even Ginger Ones”. 

Someone complained that it is racist. And you know what.. I partly agree. It seems that ginger is the only group of people you are allowed to make fun of these days.  You can’t make jokes about terrorists, Muslims, Black People, Asian people or any ethnicity for that matter without being branded a racist bla bla bla.. It’s rude to poke fun at disabled people and fat people. 

As a proud (and attractive) ginger I find it disgraceful that we are teased to such an extent just because we have red hair, freckles and pale skin.  I have been called Ginga, Daywalker, Ginge, Aunty Ginge etc etc.  The ex used to sometimes refer to me as “Rusty Crutch”.  But you know what. I don’t mind because it makes me different.  It makes me unique.  I love that there are so few of us gingers around. But I’m also very pleased I’m not an ugly ginger. 

But should this Christmas Card have been withdrawn from sale because of this “Ginger Whinger” (as the UK press have dubbed her).  I say NO. It’s fricking hilarious!  I wish I had one that I could frame and put on my wall. 

The world would be a much less stressful place if people stopped being so politically correct all the time.

As a member of the United Trust of Good Looking Ginger People, I would like to encourage you all to do your bit for World Peace and join in International Hug A Ginger Day tomorrow. 

I promise, you won’t catch gingivitis.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Home Alone

After living with my parents since returning from the UK I have missed alone time.  Tonight I am super lucky as my parents are off at a Christmas party in Brisvegas and the house is ALL MINE.

I came home from work, stripped off my clothes and walked around naked, then had a shower.. walked from the bathroom to my room naked, put on some pretty knickers then made my dinner (well I put a frozen pizza in the oven).

Now sitting on the couch a little bit tipsy watching crappy sitcoms (which am never allowed to watch) chatting on Facebook.

I miss living on my own.  The only thing that would make life better right now is to be joined by an attractive man in his undies..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Supre… Not For The Over 21s

I was shopping today at the local shopping centre and I now feel terribly old. 

The Plaza was full of teenagers and I was absolutely baffled as to what they were wearing.  Never mind that they are all rude little shits, I do not understand how a fake leather mini skirt and a black bikini top constitutes an outfit acceptable for going to a shopping centre.

Going into Supre I started to panic.  The music was too loud, everything I picked up was an XXS, it was full of 14 year olds (hips and breasts yet to develop) looking at t-shirts that say North Pole Dancer.  I had to leave.  I was scared that I would catch puberty of one of them. 

Perhaps spinsterhood is closer than I thought??

Day/Post 31 of 265

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

No, I’m Not Pregnant, Just A Little Bit Fat

I am currently on a bit of a diet. Which started when one of the butchers at work said to me that there was a rumour going round work that I am pregnant.

This is the wrong thing to say to a woman for two reasons:

1. She will automatically feel fat
2. She will start doing period math in her head and wondering if perhaps she is pregnant and start to panic.

So, with the extreme unlikelihood that I am actually knocked up (heaven forbid, touch wood!), I must come to the conclusion that I am just a little bit fat. I have developed a wine baby. 

The only plus side to putting on weight is my boobs and cleavage are truly spectacular and this does tend to detract from the protruding belly and wobbly thighs.

Anyway, I am struggling. My problem is I like to eat food and drink alcohol.  I don’t eat fruit and I don’t like vegetables. So diets are difficult.  The only other solution is to exercise more, but I don’t belong to a gym and its far too bloody hot to go walking these days.

So in the week lead up to my Christmas party (Where I am wearing my lovely Ann Summers Santa’s Little Helper outfit) I have decided to go on a minimal food diet. Which yesterday consisted of a caramel latte, chicken sandwich (multigrain bread though), dim sim, Smiths BBQ Chips, Vitamin Water, Sugar Free V, McDonalds Snack Wrap, half a pizza roll, pasta salad and a hamburger pattie. Today I have eaten about half a dozen of Ma’s homemade shortbread.

The solution to my dilemma? A pair of spanx. 

Monday, December 14, 2009

Day Off..

Days off are strange things. All week I had been dying for a day off, but yesterday I had one and after a sleep in, leisurely breakfast, and catch up on my emails etc, I was bored out of my mind.

What was I supposed to do all day?  Christmas shopping is finished, Christmas Tree is up, sheets washed, work clothes washed, room tidy.  Would have considered washing the car but Father is doing something to the pipes and the water switched off.

My friends are all at work or doing things with their other friends and other halves. And with only $5.80 in the bank until Wednesday, there was nothing to do but watch rubbish television. 

Humpf.  The season to be jolly indeed.. bring on next weekend!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mr Darcy, You Are Just Not Rude Enough.

I am enjoying a delicious, rare day off where i have nothing planned and nothing to do.  So to indulge myself I have made a plunger coffee and am sitting down to watch some Regency finery in Pride & Prejudice.

NOT the classic 90s BBC Mini-Series with the delectable Colin Firth, but the atrocious 2004 version starring my nemesis Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen.

I have many problems with this movie. The first being Keira Knightley is a wooden actress and a terrible choice to play one of the greatest heroine in literary history. It always looks as if she is trying to hard and can’t breathe. 

My second issue is that Mr Darcy is all wrong.  Usually I enjoy MacFadyen as an actor, especially in Spooks,  but he could officially be the worst Mr Darcy in history.  Hot, yes.  Haughty? No. Disdainful? No. He’s all over the place. 

Mr Bingley is portrayed as an idiot and they only give him one sister (Did Mrs Hurst die in some strange accident that the movie goer is unaware of?).  Mrs Bennet is not nearly annoying enough.

Also the movie goes against societal mores of the time. When Jane Bennett is sick in Netherfield, Mr Bingley would NEVER have presumed to go into her room.  To do so would be practically to confirm and engagement.   

So I am baffled as to why I put this movie on this morning on my day off. Especially because I am perfectly aware that Knightley makes me want to staple my ears and eyes shut so I don’t have to look or hear her. 

Next time I’ll stick to Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Feeling very strange today.  For some reason I am missing The Ex today.  I don’t know why, and I don’t want to but I am.

Time for another glass of wine I think.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Little Bit Of Mystery Never Hurt Anyone

Today I watched ‘The Da Vinci Code’.  As far as blockbusters go its not huge on special effects, and Tom Hanks’ hair is decidedly annoying.

But I find the story highly enjoyable.  Treasure hunt movies fascinate me. This one in particular because the story does have, to a small degree, some factual basis.

The Knights Templar did exist. I believe that somewhere, out there, is the Holy Grail (whatever it is).  I believe that there are centuries old secret societies out there who know more than we ever will. 

The religious side of it I am less phased on, and less interested in.  After all, what does it matter if Jesus Christ has descendants on earth? Scientists have proven that we can all be traced back to some dude in Africa anyway. 

The only fact that we can truly be certain of is the fact that people  have been covering up, changing, selecting what went down in the history books. The Council of Nicea got to pick and chose which gospels made it into The Bible.  The history books were written by the victors of battles.

But do you know what?  I don’t care. I don’t want to know. I like having a little bit of mystery, just as I like not knowing who really shot Kennedy, what really happened at Area 51, etc.  I believe in God, and believe in Heaven, and am sure that when I get there, him and Jesus (and maybe Jesus’s missus.. who really knows) will sit me down and tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Until then, I shall enjoy my treasure hunt stories and the arguments they can cause over a bottle of wine with my Dad.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Underneath The Christmas Tree

As I have been completing the last drabbles of Christmas shopping and starting Dad’s I have found it frustrating because I keep seeing things I want for me. So for you information, this year underneath the Christmas tree I hope I find…

  • The Ultimate Edition Wizard Of Oz Anniversary Edition DVD Box
  • The Ultimate Harry Potter & The Philosophers Stone DVD Box
  • Ditto for Chamber of Secrets
  • 1001 Children’s Books You Must Read Before You Die and about a zillion other books
  • A first edition Pride & Prejudice
  • A solution to the Global Financial Crisis
  • A high paying communications/marketing job in London/New York or Brisvegas
  • A plane ticket to London (Preferably First Class)
  • A microwave egg poacher
  • A crystal decanter
  • A variety of awesome homewares etc I keep seeing
  • Lots of lovely expensive skin care products
  • A new iPod.. mine which I got secondhand is just about dead

After all Santa, I have been very good this year. Depending on your definition of “good”.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Homesick For A Winter’s Christmas

I find it very bizarre that I can be feeling homesick for a place when I am currently living in the place I grew up.

I’ve mentioned before how much London feels like home to me, and now at Christmastime I am feeling the pang of longing for Old Blighty. 

There is something magical about London at Christmastime. Especially coming from a hot climate, finally having a cold Christmas was like something out of a fairytale.

Chestnuts really DO roast on open fires (well on BBQ style things on Oxford Street).  You can sing “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas” and there is the small chance that perhaps, just maybe, it might be.  The weather outside is frightful and the fires are delightful (as opposed to here, where the weather outside is frightful and the Air-Con is so delightful).

DSCF1114I’m missing the twinkly lights on Oxford and Regent Streets, the store fronts of Selfridges & Debenhams lit up, Hammersmith Square’s Christmas tree and the German sausage hut.  I’m missing mulled wine, ice-skating at Kew Gardens, hot chocolate, seeing Santa land at Covent Garden.  And I’m sorry Myers and David Jones, but the Harrods Christmas Store shits all over you both.  Then sneezes on you. 

But most of all, I am missing the people that make London feel like home. And no, not the charity muggers & London Lite wankers outside Hammersmith Station.  I miss my London family, my pub boys, and some of my very best friends. Who despite the distance and time apart are still as good a friends as back on October 2008. 

Wish I could say the same about everyone on the Sunshine Coast.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Easy Tiger

One man is dominating the gossip columns at the moment.  Tiger Woods. There is only one word for him – douche-bag.

The latest in the saga is that a 10th woman has come out of the woodworks.. this time a porn actress.  Classy Tiger, real classy. But not as classy as lady number 5 – Jamie Jungers, 25, of Trashy Girls Lingerie. 

In a statement Woods apologies for his “transgressions”.  I’d hardly call banging 10 women and flying them around the world a transgression.  I’d call it a prime example of fuckwittage and a man with an ego the size of China who has no respect for his family, friends or his marriage vows. 

Not to mention his wife, Elin Nordegren, is quite frankly smoking hot.  It leads me to ask the question asked by millions of women all over the world.  Why do men cheat? 

Finding out your partner has cheated on you is the biggest punch in the gut.  It knocks the wind out of you.  That someone you trust and love doesn’t have enough respect to keep his dick in his pants. And what I think is the worst, is the foolishness you feel.  You didn’t do anything wrong, and yet you still feel shameful and foolish and can’t face your friends, who half the time know all about it. 

I’m almost ashamed to say that this scandal has me hooked, and I'm sure we haven’t heard the end of it.  He’d definitely not out of the Woods yet..

Monday, December 7, 2009

What’s That Strange Ticking Noise?

On the weekend I was delighted to finally meet two of my very best friends 5 week old Daughter, Miss Indi. 

I used to be a very baby-oriented girl.  I couldn’t get enough of them and all I wanted to do was get married and have babies. But after massive heartbreak and too much time spent being exposed to spoilt, bratty, smelly screaming children I thought perhaps not.

But then you meet a baby, that is part of two people that you love, and you automatically love them back.  Miss Indi looked at me with those massive blue eyes, smiled a bit... and then I felt that strange sensation that all women of a certain age will recognise.  My biological clock started ticking. 

This scared me a little bit.  I’m nowhere near ready for a baby.  I’m too selfish, and have got far too much life to live, still so much that I want to see and do before I become 100% responsible for another human being.

I successfully managed to prepare her formula, ,feed her, burp her, wipe up her drool and put her to sleep (by singing Bat Out Of Hell, naturally).  To be completely honest, I was beaming with pride.  I can take care of something without killing it, dropping it or making it sick. For a few hours at least. Today as I left the Gold Coast, I found that I was very sad to say goodbye. 

But oh boy is it nice to give them back when they scream and poo.  So biological clock.. you may be ticking.  But I’m definitely going to be hitting “snooze” for a few years..

Sunday, December 6, 2009


This is a most heartfelt apology as I did not update my blog yesterday.  I was without my blog editing program / internet etc.. as I got stuck on the Gold Coast. But all was not lost as there was many more glasses of wine and cuddles with this gorgeous creature to be had.


Miss Indi & Aunty Ginger bonding over a glass of wine

Day / Post 21 of 365

Saturday, December 5, 2009


By now I would have met two of my very best friends new baby.. I can’t wait. Am hoping it doesn’t get the biological clock ticking.  I’m sure a few poos and cries will solve that.

On the Gold Coast without internet access so will see you all tomorrow xxx

Day 20 of 365

Friday, December 4, 2009

Is It Winter Yet?

There is something really unfair about watching a lovely Christmas movie, where everyone is rugged up in gorgeous winter clothes, trudging through the snow, drinking hot chocolate. “Why is this unfair?” I hear you ask.. because for me, this Christmas, it will be hot. STINKING hot. HUMID. STICKY. UNPLEASANT.

I am not a fan of summer. I like the idea of it that is portrayed in movies where everybody is at the beach, sipping cocktails and wearing floaty dresses. But the reality is: I get sunburnt = more freckles. It is humid = sweaty armpits, thighs, knee pits and cleavage. There are bugs = bug in your cocktails and itchy bites.

People idolise summer. Those who do I think are from cold climates like the UK.  When I was living there so many people used to say “Bet you miss the heat”, “I wish I lived in a hot place BLA BLA BLA”.  NO!  I like it cold.  Cold means no bugs, sweat or sunburn.  It means not sitting inside with the curtains drawn and air con on because if you go outside you will get heat exhaustion. It means that you can get in your car without getting third degree burns from the seatbelt buckle and steering wheel. You can handle your alcohol better in the cold. 

So when my lovely friends in England have been texting me telling me how cold it is, I think to myself as I sit in underwear on my bed with fan blowing on me, too hot to sleep – you lucky bastards.

Day 19 of 365

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Underpaid & Understimulated

Currently I am stuck in a bit of a career rut.  I’ve been applying for lots of fabulous jobs and not hearing ANYTHING.  And whilst, its better than being on the dole.. I am really finding my current job frustrating.

The problem is, I am far too smart for it.  I am not dissing retail at all, I enjoy working in retail IF I am in management and have important responsibilities etc.  What do I currently do?  Other peoples shopping for them. 

As I walked around pushing my enormous trolley today and putting 7 cartons of long life Smart Buy Vanilla Custard (1 Litre) in a fat persons order, I had a little cry.  I am not cut out for a job where I don’t have to think.  I need to be stimulated, challenged, I need to feel like I am achieving something. All whilst earning a decent pay.  Not the same wage I was receiving when I was 18. 

Which is why I come home and I write here for you. 

(On an aside I am away this weekend without internet access until Sunday Night.  I’m going to try and schedule some blogs for tomorrow and Saturday so my daily posts are unaffected.  Wish me luck!) 

(PSS.. Just installed a visitor tracker and THRILLED to see I have had 21 visitors in the past day and a half, and I have only been 4 of those visitors!)

Day 18 of 365

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Waiting Game

Today’s blog is a bitch about boys. Don’t get me wrong, I love men and know from my loyal man-friends that there are brilliant ones out there. It just seems that the ones you are always interested in are douche-bags.

Actually, this is not a specific complaint about the male sex.  This goes for my female friends as well, some of whom are notorious for not responding to my invitations.

Why do people think it is better to completely ignore a request for drinks/date/social occasion of some kind rather than just saying “I don’t want to”?? There is nothing worse than waiting for a reply text/fb message etc.  Of course you could solve this by actually calling, but this Ginger does not like to use the phone. 

In my mind all of the following are better than no reply at all -

  • I’m shagging someone else, so can’t shag you, sorry
  • I just don’t fancy you anymore
  • I made really awesome plans, sorry I haven’t included you
  • I’m sorry I am sick/working/other semi-genuine reason

Oh, and don’t think I’m fooled by the “Oh we’re not doing anything this New Years” line, when shortly after there is pictures of on Facebook of you enjoying yourself at a party.  Please don’t insult my intelligence. Just say you made other plans.  It does not make me feel better, and if you don’t want to go out with me, please at least have the courtesy to make up an interesting excuse. Thank you.

Day 17 of 365

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Loneliest Time Of The Year

Today is December 1st and as I sit listening to Christmas Carols, I get that familiar tug on the heartstrings I get every year that reminds me that I am single.

In general I quite enjoy being single, I can snog and shag whoever I like, and I no longer spend my weekends washing my live-in boyfriends work clothes, shopping for food to feed him during the week and then not seeing him from Friday Night until Sunday Arvo.

But as soon as the tinsel comes out I find myself longing that I had myself a little 3 bedroom Old-Queenslander, a Christmas tree of my own to trim, a group of friends that I could bake Christmas goodness for, and someone to share it with.  All in all, the holidays are truly a terrible time to be alone.

I’m sure that this year will be better, I have finally got some friends on the Sunshine Coast that want to play with me and unlike last year, I have all my lovely things around me in our new house (even if it is my parents). But as it gets closer and closer to December it also reminds me how very far away I am from the people I love the most.

Ali, Andre and Indy (about 300kms), Saffa & My Godson (about 800kms), My Brother & Nephews (about 1800kms), Miss B (about 4000kms), My London family (16,533kms).  All so very far away. 

It’s days like this that I praise the invention of the world wide web. Because of email, Skype and Facebook I am only a click away from the people I love.  And quite frankly I’d rather wake up alone on every Christmas Morning until I die than be without my extended family of friends. 

Day 16 of 365