Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fifty Shades of.... Meh

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Domestic Bliss Part 2: So many socks, so little time

As The Boy works away Monday to Thursday, sometime to Friday, I don't want to spend the little time we have together doing household chores and therefore I voluntarily, and willingly I might add, take care of washing.

This means that I tend to spend my Wednesday nights folding socks and ironing shirts. And here is my question - why is it, that men have so many socks?

And why must all these socks look exactly the same?

And for the love of all that is good and holy do I now have a box of socks labelled "The Boy's Odd Socks" for all the individual socks that don't seem to match any others. In fact, the box has also accumulated some socks that don't belong to either of us.

I fear that these questions are destined to remain unanswered for eternity, and the box of odd socks will continue to grow.

Sock puppet anyone?

Social Hibernation

Hands up who's on a budget?

It currently seems that whilst many people proclaim their need to save money and how skint they are, it seems that in my social circle I'm one of the few that is truly attempting to stick by their goals.

I am turning down most invitations for social engagements in favour of staying in. The boy and I are attempting to combat the inevitable frustration that being housebound brings by playing on the Wii, making up stupid games and working our way through 1001 movies you must see before you die. We've also become mildly addicted to playing Castleville via Facebook.