Thursday, February 23, 2012

An Obituary to Common Sense

My Dad sent me this in an email  chain, and I found is so truthful I though I would post it here xxx

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense , who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
- Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- Why the early bird gets the worm;
- Life isn't always fair;
- and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sunday was one of those gorgeous days where the air was crisp and cold and the sun was shining brightly.
As days like this certainly don't come along very often I decided to make the most of it. Yes that is right, we went on a Sunday drive.
Dreaded by children the world over, the Sunday drive was much feared in my household until a few years ago. Then I realised the sheer joy of driving along with the sunroof open on a sunny day, on a quiet country road. It gives you a sense of freedom that I think few things can.

Domestic life

As I'm currently homeless I've been living at the boys house until we can find a little place of our own. Now, I shall tell you all about my dreams of eclectic kitchenware floral cushions soon enough, but for now let me tell you one thing.\

Being a housewife seems to be damned hard work.\

In return for essentially free rent, I've been keeping the house clean and doing other chores such as ironing for the lads. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining as I'm incredibly grateful (and I secretly enjoy it), but goodness me it is hard work! A house that 3 boys have occupied for years and that is not cleaned regularly is a mission. Especially trying to remove the 4 months worth of soap scum and limescale I'm trying to get off the shower glass.\

I've tried all the products in the cupboard but am now attempting an industrial foam that you leave to soak on the glass that apparently will just wipe clean. I hope it does because this shower has become my own personal challenge. I will not let this mouldy, scummy shower defeat me.\

Why? Because I am a domestic goddess.\

The thing that does secretly worry me about my newfound love of cleaning though is that it seems I have, as was possibly inevitable, turned into my mother. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

New Girl, Again.

Did you know that I now work in a fabulously glamorous building with lots of beautiful people, just like in a chick-lit novel? Well I do.
I must admit that one of the perks of my new job is the facilities of the building however I have a small issue. I have gone from being relatively cool and glamorous (on a good day) to essentially the office frump. As I now work in the magazine industry, in a large glass building with lots of shiny surfaces, I've noticed that the people in the elevator all have much better outfits.
This is a building of skinny jeans, leather jackets, wedges, ankle boots, perfectly preened hair and flawless makeup (and that is just the men!). I on the other hand have streaky foundation (not intentionally, I'm blaming the flaky skin), flat practical shoes (thanks to a slightly dodgy ankle) and a limited selection of practical office wear (as I am trying to not annoy the boy by unpacking ALL of my clothes into his wardrobe).
Thank goodness I am fortunate enough to sit in a section of the building dominated by men who specialise in online. In this domain at least, I am still relatively cool. And, when I get some time and I have a wardrobe again I will by a funky new wardrobe and a new foundation. 

The past few weeks

Hello readers, yes it's me! There is a very good chance that you have completely forgotten who I am by now, but I am thankfully in a place where I can write again.\

What a stressful and hectic few months I have had! Starting with returning to work after the Christmas break to find out that BAM, you're being made redundant. Cue afternoon of hysterical sobbing and panic about how I was going to end up destitute and homeless.

Thankfully, my phone did not stop ringing and I am now 3 weeks into a very interesting and challenging new job. However, being a new job I've been utterly exhausted after taking everything in.
Throw on top of this the fact that my lease was up on my place and I've been staying with the boy in a teeny tiny room until we can now find our own place.\

Is there anything more frustrating than househunting at the moment? The rental market actually has made me sit on my bed and cry on more than one occasion. It seriously should not be this hard to find somewhere to live! It's almost (but nowhere near really) enough to make me want to move back to Queensland where there are houses galore.\

And to add one more nail in the proverbial coffin, the arctic weather conditions have completely dried out my skin and turned it into a flaky, itchy, blotchy mess. Plus, the snow has almost ruined my boots.
So my lovely readers, you can see how I have not had time to write for you. But please know that I miss you and have been thinking about you often.\
