Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Especially For Zorfling

After complaints about my font – please could Mr Colborne confirm that he finds this one more acceptable?


Miss Ginger

Friday, July 10, 2009

Quit Prolonging the Agony

Dear God of TV,

I am writing to express my anger at why you are dragging out the death of Izzy Stevens on Grey’s Anatomy so long.  Are you trying to prolong my agony?  Do you want me to become a weeping mess for 4 weeks in a row?  Yes last nights double episode was very well done, and Alex & Izzy’s wedding was beautiful bla bla bla… but I wish she would just die already so the grieving process can begin. 

I think you do.  I think you enjoy this slow torture of me, because you know however many times that you do this I am going to tune in next week.  You have been a repeat offender (You know who I’m talking about.. Dr Green on ER, Billy on Ally McBeal & Mitch on All Saints ALL suffered stupid dragged out Brain Tumour related deaths as well) and I think you should stop it.  If you must kill off my favourite television characters, please could you do it in a quick accident like fashion, such as Rachel on Cold Feet, and Lucy & Dr Romano on ER.  I was sad when Dr Romano died, but the fact that he was squished by a helicopter in the ER’s carpark made me go “Ooh!” rather than turn me (and my Mother) into an emotional wreck. 

Please could you take this into consideration for any future television shows that I may become addicted to? 

Kind Regards,

Puffy Eyes

P.S  Yes I am fully aware that these are all imaginary people on fictional shows, but I am a geek with not much else to do on weeknights.  Don’t hold this against me x

Saturday, July 4, 2009

NOT Better Safe Than Sorry

I surprised myself the other day.  And I don’t mean by yelling “Boo” to myself either.

Waiting a traffic light, on my way to my supermarket job, thinking about ex-boyfriends, things I have done I shouldn’t, bad decisions etc, when I finally said to myself “Really.. how did my life come to this?”

Surely by the age of 25 I should have a meaningful career, and not be still living with my parents. Surely, as I live on the Sunshine Coast, I should be married with 25 children as everyone else seems to be. 

My current situation is made worse by the dreaded “What are you doing with yourself.. When are you going to sort yourself out” conversations that frequently come from my parents and other do-gooders who mean well. 

And then I remembered why I am single, living with my parents, broke and without a proper career.

I am single because the straggling relationship I had with my ex-boyfriend ended, and quite frankly after 2 years of that I am in no hurry to rush into another one because it seriously messed with my head. Better to be single than sorry. 

I live with my parents because I came home from 3 years abroad and had nowhere else to go, and if I may remind you Mum & Dad, because for the year before I came home I was plagued with “I miss you, when are you coming home” phone calls.

I am broke because I spent 3 years seeing the fricking world, drinking lots of wine, and buying pretty things in pretty places. 

The proper career, well I DO regret giving up my fabulous television job, but I’d probably be in the unemployment line now anyway if I hadn’t.  So on this I am inclined to blame the global financial crisis rather than my own stupidity. 

So everybody… I am in my current situation because I have been LIVING and trying to experience things away from the tiny circle that is the Sunshine Coast. Not disparaging the people who are content to just stay here forever, but this is not the life for me. So Mum & Dad, I’m not sorry that I’m destitute. Because I have great memories.. even if so many of them are foggy.  And If someone finally does find a crack in the time-space continuum I would do it all again.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blame it on the Boogie… R.I.P

When I was in Sydney last week, I, like the rest of the world, was shocked to hear of the death of Michael Jackson.

It actually made me a little sad.  It wasn’t expected and its strange to feel that we live in a world without the King of Pop.  He’s been famous and making music longer than I have been alive.

Yes his “Wacko Jacko” reputation is justified (really.. a skin disease?) and obviously the past decade has been filled with controversy, nearly destroying his career. At the height of the child scandal it seemed the whole world was against him.

And now, everyone’s on the Jackson train.  Every music shop I have visited had Jacko’s albums out the front on display, cashing in while they can. 95% of the stores I popped into were playing his greatest hits.  This just made me a bit sad.

There isn’t really much more of a point to this blog. Rather than for me to state that, say what you like about him, he was, from the age of 12, possibly the greatest entertainer of the 20th Century.  And I hope, that unlike the Princess Diana saga of the past 10 years, the media finally let him rest in peace.

Sometimes a kick up the ass is justifiable

It is currently school holidays. I work in a shopping centre.

The amount of misbehaving, screaming, rude, disrespectful, selfish, loud children between the ages of 2 – 15 that are running around is making me want to stick my fingers in my ears and go to my happy place. 

Out for coffee with my girlfriend last week and a 3 year old was complaining, screaming and stamping his feet while his parents just sat there looking despondent.

Today whilst I was working, a young girl, probably about 4, screamed at her mother that she was stupid and threw a carrot at her.  If I had done this as a child (which would never happen as my Mother terrifies me and she’d still hit me at the age of 26 if I behaved like that) in a public place, my Mother would not have hesitated to grab my arm and give me a damn hard smack.  I would have cried. My lesson would have been learnt. And the whole unpleasant scenario would have been over in 5 minutes.  But, alas the brat continued screaming, the mother looked like she wanted to kill herself and everyone else in the general vicinity wanted to kill both of them. 

Obviously I am against child abuse, anyone who abuses a child is scary.  But these ridiculous laws where you are now not allowed to hit your child are bringing about a generation of children who do not have respect or discipline.  And quite frankly a law will not stop the adults who beat their children severely anyway.  A good kick up the ass never did me, or any of many people I have discussed this with, any harm. 

PS. 13 year old girls wearing hot pants and boob tubes.. IT’S JULY… the middle of fricking winter! Put some clothes on before you catch Swine Flu, or Herpes.