Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Too old for Topshop

A recent trip to Oxford Street left me with a sinking feeling.

It all started when I thought to myself - I haven't been into Topshop in ages, I must pop in and see if I can find a pretty spring top. So I enthusiastically walked in and was hit - very suddenly - with the feeling that I was far too old to be in there.

By the top of the escalators were what I can only assume were trendy teens, midriffs and bum cheeks on display, wearing mouse ear headbands and uncomfortable looking shoes.

What I thought was relatively fashionable office wear (navy pleated Ralph Lauren skirt with a tight crisp white blouse showing an appropriate amount of office cleavage), felt frumpy. But I battled through the giggling girls and descended into fashion mecca.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Domestic Bliss Part 4: House Hunting

Recently, the boy and I made the somewhat monumental decision to purchase our first home. A lovely piece of the world that we will own (or rather the bank will) and can start a proper grown up life together of DIY, dinner parties and growing vegetables, perhaps even some chickens.

It turns out that house hunting is possibly the most stressful thing ever.