Monday, January 30, 2012

Grown Ups?

My lease recently expired at my flat in Fulham and I’ve, for the time being, moved into the boys house. It’s not an ideal situation, being that our room is now full to bursting, but we must embrace these trying circumstances.

So on Saturday night (being Dry January and all) we got into bed early to watch telly and I was tinkering away on my laptop when the boy started to giggle. Curious, I asked him what had tickled him and he just replied “look at us”.


Yesterday as I was mopping my kitchen floor I found myself pondering many things, including my writing.

My dilemma is, I can’t quite figure out what I want to write about. I love my blog, but find that deciding on a particular direction is ridiculously hard. I want to write about baking, knitting, the boy, London and my adventures. Also, I want a place to post all the random drabble (such as this) that pops into my head on a regular basis. The grand conclusion is of course, I will continue to write about everything.

So, in order to make life a little easier for my readers, I’ve added a few tabs to the top. You can now either read everything I post at home, or you can peruse whatever tickles your fancy! I hope you enjoy 

(Please bear with me while I go through the backlog and re-label everything, I'll also be changing the design in the next few weeks).


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Office Parties

Last night there was a company shindig, which I declined to attend (despite the temptation of free food and drink, I decided that the thought of making small talk with soon to be ex-colleagues from the Swedish office I’ve never met just wasn’t for me). This morning, the office is full of the casual and familiar banter that is always in abundance after work nights out.

It got me thinking about the “ghosts of office parties past” and how incredibly drunk I used to get at them. It was after a string of them that I made the decision to no longer
drink myself into a stupor at company events. Here’s why…  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Historic Canterbury

As "Dry January" progresses, my frustration levels have been growing with the lack of cheap things to do in the capital. So on Saturday, the boy and I headed on a day trip to Canterbury for something relatively cheap and booze free to do that would get us out of the house.

Canterbury is a lovely little city, with a few World Heritage Sites. Utilising our English Heritage membership we explored St Augustine's Abbey. Some mildly impressive ruins (but by no means the best I've seen) of an ancient ruin, full of former priests and the supposed grave of St Augustine himself.

A Highly Strung Sunday Morning

You may have realised by now, that I am not the sort of person who embraces change.

But lately change has been forced upon me, and my grand plans for 2012 thwarted. I like to be in control of my plan, and when this control was snatched from me it has, somewhat left me frazzled.

It is, I think, for this reason that I have been losing the plot slightly and getting stressed out at the littlest things. Yesterday, I got into a right old strop because the alarm didn't go off and we were left running late. Angry at myself and sulky, the boy graciously put up with me before making a hasty exit from my bed and house.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lessons in Lipstick with Daniel Sandler

One of the perks of living in London is that occasionally I get to go to some fabulous events, like last night when Sophie and I popped along to a makeup and hair event at FOUR London.

Now, I am someone who is not adventurous with either my hair or my makeup, however I thoroughly enjoyed my evening and learnt much from the exquisitely wonderful makeup master, Daniel Sandler.It turns out that even I, a freckly ginger, can wear red lipstick. 

The evening reminded me that in fact, makeup is a wonderful thing. Yes, sometimes I really can’t be arsed wearing it however whenever I do spend ten minutes putting in some extra effort I always feel 10 times more awesome 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Money can't buy happiness? Rubbish.

Listening to BBC Radio 2 today the discussion was money can’t buy you happiness.

This is in an age old saying but I’m not entirely sure it’s true. Certainly having money in the bank doesn’t necessarily make you happy, but I think what Spike Milligan said is very true – it makes misery a lot more comfortable. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

EEK, Zombies in London

Last Saturday I met up with my BFF and we indulged in a little harmless escapism.

In desperate need of distraction from everyday life, we headed to County Hall on Southbank to embark in London’s Death Trap – a terrifying journey into a lab where zombie’s have taken over.

If you take it for what it is, a bit of lighthearted ridiculous fun, than  you will probably have a thoroughly enjoyable time. I was genuinely frightened at some parts of the experience, which I won’t spoil for you. 

The attraction’s prime position in the heart of tourist London is ideal for raking in the pennies,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yorkshire... God's Own Country?

As you know, for Christmas the boy and I drove to Yorkshire to spend the holidays with his family.

My impression of what “God’s Own Country” was like was formed of many viewings of Heartbeat and All Creatures Great and Small, however I know now that this was pure naivety and I would have been better off watching re-runs of Geordie Shore.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Resolutions

It’s that time of year again, the time when we all make many promises to ourselves about how we will improve our lives across the course of the next year. All too frequently however, by week 2 we have already succumbed to failure. Not this year!

This year I’ve created 8 realistic (I hope) new year’s resolutions that I hope to see through until at least March anyway!

So what will my New Year’s Resolutions be in 2012?