Friday, June 21, 2013


One of good friends recently lost their mum to cancer. It was a bit sudden - and hard on them all.

Cancer really is a giant twat - and will inevitably affect us all. So, if you got a spare fiver, you should donate to charities that help make life a bit easier for those dealing with it. I've picked Macmillan - but there are many out there who deserve your support - so find your local charity and give.


Old friend recollections

Today is one of my best and oldest friends 30th birthday - and it does make me a little homesick cause I'm all the way on the other side of the world.

But, it has made me remeber lots of fun times, as optimistic teenagers when we would have sleepovers or be at the beach, talking about getting married and our weddings and what we imagine our lives would be like - as all teenage girls do.

It is funny how things don't turn out how you plan. She didn't get married to one of our former high school comrades in a surfing wedding (thank goodness!), and I certainly didn't marry my high school sweetheart (not that I even had one). But she did marry a wonderful man, and have a lovely baby girl. And I've found happieness in exploring the world and love in the most unlikely of places.

So I would like to tell the teenage us - things do always work out how they are supposed to in the end - and don't worry, in ten years you'll both have amazing boobs.

Happy birthday my darling friend - I miss you xxx

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Winter is Coming: 10 Game of Thrones Ponderings

*Please note, this post contains lots of spoilers. 

Since Gossip Girl came to it's sensational conclusion last year (DAN was GG, who would have known xoxo), I've felt a big gaping hole in my life, that only an addictive television show can fulfil.

So it was with much eagerness that The Boy introduced me to Game of Thrones. Holy Moley is it addictive. To the point of hysteria.

First, you've got girl power complete with awesome hair braids and dragons. You've got more broody anti-heroes than this girl can handle, and more skull-duggery and backstabbing than you can point a stick (or sword) at. Not to mention cute loyal puppies (or direwolfs), sexy man beasts, lots of lovely boobs and of course - Tyrion, who's awesomeness is too much for this humble author to describe.

Before I Turn 30: Become a Manager

I've now been in my professional career in "marketing" for nearly 10 years. Or rather 10 years on and off while I battled with bouts of wanderlust and unemployment.

But finally, after many a mediocre job and much hard work I have finally succeeded and been promoted to a management role. That's right, Marketing Manager at a prestigious (ish) media firm in London. I get to control a big budget, and am responsible for the development of my young exec. Hurrah!

However, this is never something that