Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Morning Ritual

I have never particularly been a morning person.  Mornings are my quiet time where I can drink my coffee, plan my day and clear my head. 

Unfortunately, I work in an office FULL of morning people.  Who burst into the office every day like a ray of sunshine, proclaiming good tidings to all.  To which I can only reply with a half arsed smile and nod and a "not to bad thanks".  

You think after nearly a year, they would be used to this. But no, every day the crack on smiling toothily at me and making me shrink into a giant pool of guilt that I can't muster up the same enthusiasm at 8.00am. I mean, it's not like I have not seen these people in a while. In fact I see them every day. Not that much changes overnight that I feel the need to enter into an epic conversation when I could in fact, be using my pre-starting time to read news.com, browse funnies and check my eBay bids. 

Because, the thing is.. one can't ACTUALLY say how one is every morning. It would be inappropriate. I can't greet my boss's reply with "Well actually, my face burns from the adult acne medication, my allergies had me itching my eyes all night, I was up about 3 times during the night from a bit of a dodgy tummy, I'm sexually frustrated due to a lack of fresh batteries, slightly depressed that men treat me like prostitutes and whilst I shall soldier on with my job to the best of my ability today, quite frankly If someone rubs me even slightly the wrong way, I'm probably going to burst out crying"

Instead.. I shall say "Not bad thanks", smile, nod, keep calm and carry on.   

1 comment:

  1. Office Space has a lot of answers.
