Friday, December 11, 2009

A Little Bit Of Mystery Never Hurt Anyone

Today I watched ‘The Da Vinci Code’.  As far as blockbusters go its not huge on special effects, and Tom Hanks’ hair is decidedly annoying.

But I find the story highly enjoyable.  Treasure hunt movies fascinate me. This one in particular because the story does have, to a small degree, some factual basis.

The Knights Templar did exist. I believe that somewhere, out there, is the Holy Grail (whatever it is).  I believe that there are centuries old secret societies out there who know more than we ever will. 

The religious side of it I am less phased on, and less interested in.  After all, what does it matter if Jesus Christ has descendants on earth? Scientists have proven that we can all be traced back to some dude in Africa anyway. 

The only fact that we can truly be certain of is the fact that people  have been covering up, changing, selecting what went down in the history books. The Council of Nicea got to pick and chose which gospels made it into The Bible.  The history books were written by the victors of battles.

But do you know what?  I don’t care. I don’t want to know. I like having a little bit of mystery, just as I like not knowing who really shot Kennedy, what really happened at Area 51, etc.  I believe in God, and believe in Heaven, and am sure that when I get there, him and Jesus (and maybe Jesus’s missus.. who really knows) will sit me down and tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Until then, I shall enjoy my treasure hunt stories and the arguments they can cause over a bottle of wine with my Dad.

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