Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Jubilee

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee is just around the corner and I am more than excited. 

I am going to be in London for a giant social royal occasion, just like I saw on telly with my Ma at home. 

Despite my dislike of crowds and my annoyance of making the best viewing spots "ticket only" I am excited beyond belief - and you should be too. 

Her Majesty has faithfully served this country (and the Commonwealth) for 60 years, making her the second longest reigning monarch in English History - Queen Victoria pips her to the post at 63 year, 7 months and 2 days. In fact, very few monarchs ever reached a Golden Jubilee. This is an event that we will most likely never see again in our lifetime.

Now, I am unashamedly a royalist - they have a history better than any soap opera, and in modern society bring in more tourist bucks than any President ever could. But even if you are not a fan of the royals, here is why you should celebrate the Jubilee... 

This is an amazing country. For over 1,000 years England, despite it's size, has been one of the powers of the world, and no country has a history as fascinating as this one. It's a country that should be celebrated. 

Another reason is that in these current times, when the news is constantly woeful, the economy is up shit creek and we're all going to die from aspartame, radioactive tuna and terrorists, I think it is rather wonderful that the government is putting some money towards a jolly-old knees up celebrating what makes this country great. And not only that, a celebration that everyone around the country can enjoy and take part in - not just those who can afford Olympic tickets.

So stop being grumpy, break out the bunting, put on some Union Jack paraphernalia have a few Pimms and spend the weekend celebrating Queen and Country. 

God Save The Queen xx

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