Sunday, August 15, 2010

Facebook: Taking the Mystery out of the World

I’m coming up shortly to my ten year high school reunion.  An ominous affair which I am not sure whether or not I am looking forward to.

The thing is.. with Facebook “re-connecting” people from your past, I know what 75% of my former class mates are up to, or at least what they want the world to think they are up to, via status updates and photos.

Today I ran into one of my good friends from high school, and over the years had completely lost contact with.  I knew immediately that the attractive blonde was his wife, I knew that he had a fabulous job.. and I knew it all from facebook. 

In fact, I know who got married, had kids, got boob jobs, got engaged, moved away etc etc because Facebook tells me on a daily basis.

The only people that I am curious as to what happened to them in the past 10 years is the people who are not on Facebook, and who are also therefore are unlikely to attend the organised-on-Facebook reunion. 

Has our addiction to social networking taken all the mystery out of the world?  In the days before the internet one could day-dream about ex-lovers being utterly miserable, or the mean girl from school getting fat.  Now, through Facebook, I am aware of the truth that your ex is happily shacked up with his new family he left you for, rather than suffering a severe case of genital warts and premature balding.  I also know that the mean girls from my past are all looking obscenely fabulous, which irks me greatly. 

Whilst I’d never be one to ditch my social networking (am far too addicted), I dream of the day when I run into someone from my past, and can be honestly surprised at their news.

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