Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Domestic Bliss Part 1: The Plight of the Toothpaste

It's been nearly three months since The Boy and I embarked on a life of cohabitation and it's gone rather well so far. But as with all new roles, at the end of three months we come to a period of review.

In general, our life has been the epitome of domestic bliss - particularly as The Boy is away from Monday - Thursday on a work project.This time of solitude has allowed me to slowly rearrange the furniture to how I like it and fill up the Tivo with romantic comedies and episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashian's (please don't judge me)

However, Thursday's at around 9.30pm, he returns home and I am usually greeted with
a "Give me the Tivo," and a lecture about how the the toothpaste does not belong in the shower.

Now, I clean my teeth in the shower (multi-tasking), and shower twice a day. To me it is perfect sense to leave the toothpaste in the bathroom, as the alternative is in the toilet room, which is super cramped and has a teeny tiny corner sink that you have to hold your head at a funny angle to spit in. 

Apparently though, my logical explanation has left him dumbfounded and unsure if he can live with my, and I quote, "haphazardness". 

Will this become one of those things that inevitably leads to a screaming match with plates thrown at the other person, before slamming doors in a huff?

I hope not. Partly because we only have 4 plates, but mainly because the niceness of having someone to come home to far outweighs the occasional toothpaste discussion. 

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