Friday, May 18, 2012

Finders Keepers? Your help needed!

Here is a relationship question for the masses..

Since co-habitation, the boy and I have fallen into a comfortable routine. But there is something upon which we constantly disagree, and I would like to ask my fellow loved up readers their opinion..

If upon checking the pockets of The Boy's jeans before washing them, I find some coins, surely I am allowed to put this money into my OWN pocket?

Surely any money left lying around

is fair game? (I'm talking the odd 20 pence here…not five pound notes). Is it acceptable, seeing that most of these coins I accumulate go towards "the greater good" that is date nights and holidays together?

Your thoughts on this matter are much appreciated!


  1. If you find 20p in his pocket WHILST KINDLY DOING HIS WASHING, I would say you can keep this as a form of payment for being his maid.

  2. Squiff.. I completely agree :) Jay... you WOULD Say that!

    Anyone else care to weigh in on this very important domestic matter? xx

  3. Tut Tut More and more like "she-who-must-be-obeyed"
