Saturday, May 9, 2009

Oh God, I’m Too Old For This

Last night I went out with an old school friend for dinner, drinks and a general bitch about life and gossip about our fellow graduates.

We drank ALOT. Bottles and bottles and bottles of alcohol. Today I am recovering. And you know what.. whilst I still enjoy getting dressed up and going out with my friends. I am too old to be going out on the Sunshine Coast, and particularly too old to be at Fridays.

When you are 18 (up to the age of about 20) it is great going out. Its great waking up with strange entrance stamps up and down your arm. It’s nice to walk around with them and be smug to all your underage friends and saying “look at me I went out last night!”. Today, at 25, they make you look a little trashy and you spent 15 minutes in the shower trying to scrub them off.

When you are 18 it is easy to recover from a hangover and a 2am return home. Many night I was out until 3 in the morning then off to work at 8.30 on Sunday Morning. Today, at 25, a night out renders me bedridden for pretty much a full day. I stumbled out of bed at about 11am this morning in search of vegemite toast. Then went back to bed and felt sorry for myself. It is now 4pm and I have just ventured out into the company of my parents, who are taunting me.

When I was 18, texting wasn’t a huge thing.. mobile phones were only just getting en vogue. Now I spent most of my evening wasting credit on texts to my friends across Australia and the UK professing my love for them. Thank the Lord I removed my ex’s number from my phone. I’ve learnt my lesson there before.

When I was 18 and heading to Fridays, there seemed to be a variety of age groups that went from just legal to middle age people. Now it seems that I am the oldest person in place and spend my evening watching young girls tottering around on heels they cannot walk in.

So yes, I think that perhaps I am too old for the Sunshine Coast party scene. But I did have a good time getting absolutely hammered and dancing to Mr Jones.


  1. Surely we're not too old! Say it isn't so!
    I'm only just getting started!

    Don't worry, I'll go be trashy with ya Kimmy!

  2. Where's my drunken txts?
