Monday, November 16, 2009

Well Meaning Advice Falls Upon Deaf Ears

As you all know I have been single for quite some time now and because of this well meaning friends frequently offer advice.

One of my most beloved friends, Andre, has given me a list of things that I am not allowed to talk about when I am on a date or picking up boys.  These vary from my love of Harry Potter to “try not to be too ginger”. 

I have made the executive decision to disregard all this advice for two reasons.

1. I am an interesting, nice girl albeit with some eccentric tendencies.  I am not going to hide my true personality or try and be someone I am not.  I have done this before and it never works.

2. I am not interested in going out with someone who scares easily.  If they are put off by my love of children’s book series or the fact that I like to knit or that I love to communicate (and yes that means excessive text messages) then they are hardly going to be worthwhile catch in the long run.

So thank you my dear friends, but if you can love me for who I am, then there is a man out there who will too. 

PS. Please bear with me whilst I experiment with blog design and fonts etc. I was bored of the old layout and have been browsing all the amazing templates online.  Huge fan of!!

DAY/POST 1 of 365

1 comment:

  1. haha totally agree with what your got to say with this :-) Be yourself because who else could you be
