Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Women Only Holiday? No Thanks, I’m Busy Washing My Hair

Those of who you who have known me for awhile will know that I am not one for feminism.  I am a bit old fashioned like that, probably because of the way I was brought up.

When I was waiting for my perpetually late friend on the weekend I was reading the newspaper, and came across an article about a big fuss being made because a lady was trying to start a company for “women only holidays” and the government found them discriminatory.

My first thought was why on earth would any woman want to go on a woman only holiday?? That is my idea of a nightmare, just as I despise a “Girls Nights Out”.  When I go on holiday I want to look pretty, and hopefully have a holiday fling, or at least flirt shamelessly with other people on my tour/in my hotel/my waiter/bartender etc.  I want to lounge by the pool/on the beach and look at attractive men.  Or sit in a delicious cafe/bar if it is a cold location, and look at attractive men. 

But that is not really the issue today.  The issue is women getting on their high horse again. The article then went on to say how horrible “Gentleman’s Clubs” are with their exclusivity and they are degrading to women.  I object.  The men in these clubs most likely have a high appreciation for the female form, and are not just exclusive against women, they also don’t let in bogans or poor people, so get over it.  I think they are a grand old tradition, and I’d rather we keep our old traditions alive and be a bit sexist than let them die out. Many a grand idea was thought of in a dark leather and smoke filled room over a brandy.

Feminism has just, for me, gone that one little step too far.  There are some jobs that women cannot physically do (unless you are a butch lesbian like country girl).  There are some jobs that men’s minds are more suited to.  And quite frankly, a woman was created to be a companion for the male species and procreate.

Just think about when divorce rates started really picking up.. oh yeah, when more and more women left their place in the home and started being career oriented.  I’m not saying “stay at home”, by all means go out and be a CEO.  But I have gone off topic and that is a story for another day, we were talking about all-women holidays.

This is how I imagine it: An endless stream of “What are you wearing?” “My ex-husband bla bla bla” “Ooh I love your outfit (subtext.. LOL, you look like a hippopotamus and I look fabulous! Woohoo!) “Your eating that? Do you know how many calories are in that baked potato smothered in sour cream?”. I like the company of my close female friends, but usually one at a time, or at the most a group of 3. Any more than that and I start craving the company of a penis. 

Feminists? Equal pay is fine, but would it kill you to put on some lipstick?” Kitty Foreman – That 70’s Show.

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