Friday, March 23, 2012

Is it easier to be single?

The Boy is an incredibly good man, who treats me well. Therefore because of his goodness I feel incredibly guilty when I complain about his behaviour. The majority of the time not a harsh word will cross my lips about him, and yet, sometimes I find him so infuriating that I want to cut holes in all his socks just to annoy him.

The thing is, as I was discussing with one of my most dedicated readers the other day, relationships actually require you to invest a lot of time and energy into keeping them maintained.

Frustrations about the mundane often make me wonder whether it would be easier to just stay single. When you're single you only have to worry about yourself (and maybe your cat if you're that way inclined which I most certainly am not),
you can have floral girly bedsheets and eat a packet of Doritos for dinner without anyone telling you off.

In a relationship, I am doomed to a life of bedsheets unadorned by pink or frills. I have also resigned myself to the fact that I will never be able to chop things in the kitchen without getting a lecture about how I am not doing it correctly (not helped by a teeny incident with chopping an onion which shall hereby never be mentioned again).

But then he will go and indulge my whimsical nature by partaking in some of our secret games (not THOSE sort of games, get your mind out of the gutter!), giving me a cuddle or letting me watch One Born Every Minute in peace and quiet and I remember why I invest my time in this relationship.

At the end of the day, it's worth it.

Written in response to a Blog Challenge by Mrs N: Is it easier to be single?

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