Thursday, March 22, 2012

Moving In

I have some news. It's pretty big actually - The Boy and I are moving in together. Into a proper grown up flat. In green, leafy grown up East Dulwich.

Since we found our place my head has been consumed with thoughts of homewares, trips to Ikea and DIY. But more that that I'm so incredibly looking forward to the prospect of living somewhere that isn't a share house.

Every morsel of food in the fridge will be mine to consume at will. No longer will
I have to put a dressing gown on to pop to the loo in the middle of the night. My shaving gel can remain in the bathroom rather than hidden where no housemate could possibly find it. And never again will I have to lock myself in the bedroom to watch The Kardashians.

In fact, I can watch The Kardashian's in my living room… naked… whilst reading Harry Potter… and eating spaghetti and tuna pie and not be teased, judged or poked fun at by annoying housemates.

More importantly however, I can't wait to live with the Boy, in an emporium of love.