Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Status Update?

Today, I’d like to pose a question to you all – when is the appropriate time in a relationship to change your Facebook Status?

Certainly you don’t want to jump in too early, nor do you want to be the first to do so. Likewise, I don’t want to delay the matter too long.

It’s a funny thing really, and a serious part of modern day relationship politics. I mean, I post that I am “in a relationship” and essentially I am screaming to the world that “Yippee! I have a boyfriend”. Then there is the huge risk that you change your status, and two weeks later “.. is no longer listed in a relationship” – your misfortune apparent for all to see.

I also have the dilemma of I can’t see what his relationship status is. After the conscious decision to not become friends on Facebook (after all, I don’t want to turn into crazy stalking girlfriend constantly questioning who that girl is in that photo) I am not privileged to this information.

So, to change, or not to change, that is the question!


  1. Surely there's a conversation where exclusivity is agreed on. Isn't that the right point?

    And you can be his friend on Facebook without constant questioning (or even suspicion or care)

  2. FB Relationship Status - the question is why do you want to change it; to discourage stalkers, to show your commitment or just so your friends can see it? If you’re not Facebook friends I assume you’re not going to/not able to go the way of linking his name in as well?
    I changed mine on request from the significant other as it meant nothing to me….everyone knew I was in a relationship, if they didn’t the constant flow of couple picture would soon make that clear.

    I have almost stopped using FB as I found it was really stressing my relationship, what was an innocent comment from me was being confused as flirting, and comments on my status from others always criticised. I now tweet….to a crowd of 20 followers. I don’t get the same feedback I would get on FB but it’s an outlet.

    PS Really, really happy for you Ms Ginger…glad you came back to Brighty.
